Alvin's Blog
Senin, 19 Maret 2012
True Story
"Pak, kenapa tidak di baringkan saja tiangnya, kan jadi lebih gampang ngukurnya?", kata seorang bapak.
"Laah pak bagaimana bisa? saya kan mau mengukur tinggi, bukan mau mengukur lebar tiangnya", jawab orang tersebut dengan sangat percaya diri.
Jumat, 09 September 2011
Nawadighana Reska Hanggakara
Dihiasi langit berwarna biru
Selasa, 27 Juli 2010
Analisa Tabung Gas LPG Meledak
Jadi, menurut hemat penulis, tabung tak akan meledak pada suhu normal (tekanan sekitar 7 atmosfir) karena tabung dirancang tahan sampai 28 atmosfir Kemungkinan besar, Elpiji bocor dengan deras dari tabung, melalui celah antara katup tabung dan regulator, lantaran sekatnya tidak melaksanakan tugas seperti seharusnya. Gambar-2 menunjukkan sekat dimaksud, yakni cincin yang terbuat dari karet, berwarna hitam.
menunjukkan posisi “regulator ON”. Pengait menahan regulator tetap ditempat, plunger menekan katup sehingga membuka, mengalirkan uap Elpiji ke dalam regulator.
Perhatikan bahwa hanya ada satu pengait, sehingga regulator dapat bergoyang-goyang bila tersentuh. Demikian pula, hanya ada satu penyekat antara regulator dengan katup. Cincin penyekat itu.Tabung, katup, regulator, dan selang bukanlah penyumbang utama dalam musibah Elpiji di tanah air. Benda-benda ini dipakai juga di banyak negara tanpa menimbulkan masalah berarti. Regulator tipe clip-on adalah favorit karena kemudahannya dalam memasang dan melepaskannya. Tekanan yang masuk ke regulator adalah tekanan penuh dari Elpiji. Di negri kita berkisar antara 5 sampai 7 atmosfir, tergantung campuran elpijinya dan suhu ruang. Tekanan ini cukup besar, kira-kira sama dengan tekanan kompressor tambal ban di pinggir jalan.
Tekanan sebesar ini sepenuhnya harus ditahan oleh cincin sekat hitam yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar-2. Inilah tempat kebocoran utama yang dapat membuat ruangan menjadi eksplosif. Inilah sambungan yang paling rawan, dan bocor atau tidak ditentukan oleh kualitas cincin penyekat (seal) ini. Tentu saja bila mulut katup pada tabung penyok atau cuil berat bagian tengahnya, seal sebaik apapun tak dapat menyekat.
Masih ada dua sambungan lagi yang juga diributkan, yakni sambungan antara regulator dengan selang, dan diujung selang lainnya, yaitu sambungan antara selang dengan kompor. Kedua sambungan ini tidak menanggung beban berat, karena tekanan dalam selang, yaitu tekanan keluaran dari regulator, sangat rendah. Tekanannya cuma sekitar 30 milibar (1,03 atmosfir). Tekanan sebesar ini tidak dapat keluar dari lubang yang dibuat dengan tusukan jarum pada selang. Seandainyapun keluar, jumlahnya tak akan cukup untuk membuat ruangan menjadi eksplosif, karena gas lebih cepat menyebar dibandingkan dengan pasokan dari kebocoran disini.
Selain itu regulator juga memiliki kapasitas, yang membatasi aliran gas yang keluar. Kapasitas umum regulator clip-on adalah 2 kilogram per jam. Gas bocor sebanyak 2 kg dalam dapur dengan ukuran sedang dapat meledak bila terpicu bunga api dari saklar lampu yang dinyalakan atau dimatikan.
Jadi kalau selang putus, dan tak diketahui selama sejam, bahaya mengancam.
Kebocoran pada seal yang tidak baik mutunya bisa lebih dari 2 kg per jam.
Bagaimana kebocoran pada kompor, misalnya karena lupa tidak mematikan katup kompor padahal kompor tidak menyala? Kepala kompor yang normal kapasitasnya mungkin seperempat kilogram per jam. Dapur bisa berbahaya bila ada satu kepala kompor yang tidak ditutup dalam waktu semalam.
Sebagai langkah pengamanan, Elpiji untuk konsumsi masyarakat harus diberi bau dengan kadar minimal 25 mililiter per ton Elpiji. Pembau yang digunakan adalah ethyl-mercaptan, senyawa hidrokarbon dengan belerang, baunya seperti durian atau telur busuk, tergantung siapa yang menciumnya. Ini zat tak berwarna dengan keenceran seperti bensin premium, dan cair dalam suhu dan tekanan ruang. Oleh karena itu ia harus dilarutkan dengan baik dalam Elpiji, agar bila elpiji bocor, dia juga keluar dan memberikan peringatan kepada yang menciumnya. Baunya kini dikenal sebagai “bau gas”.
Jadi masalahnya saya kira bukan tabung, regulator, selang atau kompor . Tapi penyekat karet kecil itu dan kadar pembau dalam Elpiji.
Masa Kadaluwarsa Tabung LPG
Tahukah anda jika TABUNG nya gas elpiji ada masa kadaluwarsa- nya ?
Jika anda beli gas, harap diperiksa lebih dahulu, kapan TABUNG tersebut berakhir masa pakainya.
Penulisan kadaluwarsa berupa "ALFA CODE". Contoh: " A 09 "
A = Januari - Maret
B = April - Juni
C = Juli - September
D = Oktober - Desember
maka A 09 adalah : Jan- Mart tahun 2009
semoga bermanfaat, dan tolong disebarkan
Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010
Julukan untuk masing-masing negara yang mengikuti FIFA World Cup 2010
* Aljazair : Les Fennecs (The Desert Foxes), Les Verts (The Greens), Les Guerriers du Desert (The Deset Warriors)
* Amerika Serikat: Sons of Sam, The Yanks, MNT (Men's National Team)
* Argentina : La Albiceleste (White and Sky blue)
* Australia : The Socceroos
* Belanda : Oranje, The Flying Dutchmen, Clockwork Orange, Het Nederlands Elftal (The Dutch Eleven)
* Brasil : Canarinho (Little Canary), A Selecao (The Selection), Verde-Amarela (Green and Yellow), The Samba Kings, Scratch du oro (Golden Squad)
* Cile : La Roja (The Red One), El Equipo de Todos (Everybody's Team)
* Denmark : Danish Dynamite, Olsen-Banden (The Olsen Gang), Olsens Elleve (Olsen's Eleven) mengacu pada nama pelatih Morten Olsen
* Ghana : The Black Stars
* Honduras : Los Catrachos, La Bicolor (diambil dari warna bendera Honduras)
* Inggris : The Three Lions
* Italia : Gli Azzurri (The Blues), La Nazionale (The National)
* Jepang : The Samurai Blue, Nippon Daihyo
* Jerman : Die Mannschaft (The Team), Die DFB-Elf (The DFB-Eleven), tapi lebih dikenal dengan julukan Der Panzer
* Kamerun : Les Lions Indomptables (The Indomitable Lions)
* Korea Selatan : Taeguk Warriors -- konsep ying dan yang dan ajaran Tao, meski kadang pendukung kerap menyebut tim dengan Tigers of Asia dan Red Devils
* Korea Utara -- Choillima (kuda terbang dalam mitos Asia)
* Meksiko : El Tri (The Three-colored), El Gigante De CONCACAF (The Giant of CONCACAF)
* Nigeria : Super Eagles
* Pantai Gading : Les Éléphants (The Elephants)
* Paraguay : Guaraníes (suku Indian asli Paraguay), La Albirroja (White and Red)
* Portugal : Seleccao das Quinas (Selection of the Shields), Os Navegadores (The Navigators)
* Prancis : Les Bleus (The Blues), L'Équipe Tricolore (The Tri-color Team)
* Selandia Baru : All Whites, The Kiwis
* Serbia : Beli Orlovi (White Eagles)
* Slovakia : Bojovni Jondovci (The Fighting Jondas), Repre
* Slovenia : Zmajceki (Dragons)
* Spanyol : La Furia (The Fury), La Furia Española (The Spanish Fury), La Furia Roja (The Red Fury)
* Swiss : Schweizer Nati (The Switzlerland National)
* Uruguay : Charrúas (suku Indian asli Uruguay, La Celeste Olímpica (The Olympic Sky Blue), La Celeste (The Sky Blue)
* Yunani : To Piratiko (The Pirate Ship), Ethniki (The Team)
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
Natural phenomena!
Sailing Stones The mysterious moving stones of the packed-mud desert of Death Valley have been a center of scientific controversy for decades. Rocks weighing up to hundreds of pounds have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time. Some scientists have proposed that a combination of strong winds and surface ice account for these movements. However, this theory does not explain evidence of different rocks starting side by side and moving at different rates and in disparate directions. Moreover, the physics calculations do not fully support this theory as wind speeds of hundreds of miles per hour would be needed to move some of the stones. Columnar Basalt When a thick lava flow cools, it contracts vertically but cracks perpendicular to its directional flow with remarkable geometric regularity - in most cases forming a regular grid of remarkable hexagonal extrusions that almost appear to be made by man. One of the most famous such examples is the Giant's Causeway on the coast of Ireland (shown above), though the largest and most widely recognized would be Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Basalt also forms different but equally fascinating ways when eruptions are exposed to air or water. Blue Holes Blue holes are giant and sudden drops in underwater elevation that get their name from the dark and foreboding blue tone they exhibit when viewed from above in relationship to surrounding waters. They can be hundreds of feet deep and while divers are able to explore some of them they are largely devoid of oxygen that would support sea life due to poor water circulation - leaving them eerily empty. Some blue holes, however, contain ancient fossil remains that have been discovered, preserved in their depths. Red Tides Red tides are also known as algal blooms - sudden influxes of massive amounts of colored single-cell algae that can convert entire areas of an ocean or beach into a blood red color. While some of these can be relatively harmless, others can be harbingers of deadly toxins that cause the deaths of fish, birds and marine mammals. In some cases, even humans have been harmed by red tides though no human exposure are known to have been fatal. While they can be fatal, the constituent phytoplankton in ride tides are not harmful in small numbers. Ice Circles While many see these apparently perfect ice circles as worthy of conspiracy theorizing, scientists generally accept that they are formed by eddies in the water that spin a sizable piece of ice in a circular motion. As a result of this rotation, other pieces of ice and flotsam wear relatively evenly at the edges of the iceuntil it slowly forms into an essentially ideal circle. Ice circles have been seen with diameters of over 500 feet and can also at times be found in clusters and groups of different sizes as shown above. Mammatus Clouds True to their ominous appearance, mammatus clouds are often harbingers of a coming storm or other extreme weather system. Typically composed primarily of ice, they can extend for hundreds of miles in each direction and individual formations can remain visibly static for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. While they may appear foreboding they are merely the messengers - appearing around, before or even after severe weather. Fire Rainbows A circumhorizontal fire rainbow arc occurs at a rare confluence of right time and right place for the sun and certain clouds. Crystals within the clouds refract light into the various visible waves of the spectrum but only if they are arrayed correctly relative to the ground below. Due to the rarity with which all of these events happen in conjunction with one another, there are relatively few remarkable photos of this phenomena. Sinkholes Sinkholes are one of the world's scariest natural phenomena. Over time, water erodes the soil under the planet's surface until in some cases, quite suddenly, the land above gives way and collapses into the earth. Many sinkholes occur naturally while others are the result of human intervention. Displacing groundwater can open cavities while broken pipes can erode otherwise stable subterranean sediments. Urban sinkholes, up to hundreds of feet deep have formed and consumed parts of city blocks, sidewalks and even entire buildings. Penitentes Named after peak-hooded New Mexican monks (lower right above), penitentes are dazzling naturally-forming ice blades that stick up at sharp angles toward the sun. Rarely found except at high altitudes, they can grow up taller than a human and form in vast fields. As ice melts in particular patterns, 'valleys' formed by initial melts leave 'mountains' in their wake. Strangely, these formations ultimately slow the melting process as the peaks cast shadows on the deeper surfaces below and allow for winds to blow over the peaks, cooling them. Lenticular Clouds Ever wonder the truth about UFOs? Avoided by traditional pilots but loved by sailplane aviators, lenticular clouds are masses of cloud with strong internal uplift that can drive a motorless flyer to high elevations. Their shape is quite often mistaken for a mysterious flying object or the artificial cover for one. Generally, lenticular clouds are formed as wind speeds up while moving around a large land object such as a mountain. Light Pillars Light pillars appear as eerily upright luminous columns in the sky, beacons cast into the air above without an apparent source. These are visible when light reflects just right off of ice crystals from either the sun (as in the two top images above) or from artificial ground sources such as street or park lights. Despite their appearance as near-solid columns of light, the effect is entirely created by our own relative viewpoint. Sundogs Like light pillars, sundogs are the product of light passing through crystals. The particular shape and orientation of the crystals can have a drastic visual impact for the viewer, producing a longer tail and changing the range of colors one sees. The relative height of the sun in the sky shifts the distance the sundogs appear to be on either side of the sun. Varying climactic conditions on other planets in our solar system produce halos with up to four sundogs from those planets' perspectives. Sundogs have been speculated about and discussed since ancient times and written records describing the various attributes of our sun date back the Egyptians and Greeks. Fire Whirls Fire whirls (also known as fire devils or tornadoes) appear in or around raging fires when the right combination of climactic conditions is present. Fire whirls can be spawned by other natural events such as earthquakes and thunderstorms, and can be incredibly dangerous, in some cases spinning well out of the zone of a fire itself to cause devastation and death in a radius not even reached by heat or flame. Fire whirls have been known to be nearly a mile high, have wind speeds of over 100 miles per hour and to last for 20 or more minutes. Orange Moons This last phenomena is something most people have seen before - beautiful orange moon hanging low in the sky. But what causes this phenomena - and, for that matter, does the moon have a color at all? When the moon appears lower on the horizon, rays of light bouncing off it have to pass through a great deal more of our atmosphere which slowly strips away everything but yellows, oranges and reds. The bottommost image above is true to the hues of the moon but has enhanced colors to more clearly show the differences in shade that illustrate the mixed topography and minerology that tell the story of the moon's surface. Looking at the colors in combination with the craters one can start to trace the history of impacts and consequent material movements across the face of our mysterious moon. |
Kamis, 29 April 2010
Loch Ness "tak perlu diragukan"
London (ANTARA/Reuters) - Polisi Skotlandia pada 1930-an percaya keberadaan monster Loch Ness "tak perlu diragukan" dan bahkan berusaha melindunginya dari para pemburu.
Satu surat yang disiarkan oleh Arsip Nasional Skotlandia dari Kepala Polisi Inverness County William Fraser pada Agustus 1938 memperlihatkan polisi percaya satu-satunya langkah yang dapat mereka kerjakan untuk melindungi "Nessie" dari para pemburu ialah memberitahu orang bahwa pelestarian monster tersebut "diperlukan sekali".
Fraser menambahkan bahwa pasangan tertentu Peter Kent dan Miss Marion Stirling dari London bertekad untuk menangkap monster itu dan Kent telah memberitahu polisi setempat ia akan memiliki senapan harpun khusus untuk memburu monster tersebut.
"Bahwa ada makhluk yang sangat aneh di Loch Ness sekarang tampaknya tidak diragukan, tapi bahwa polisi memiliki wewenang untuk melindunginya sangat diragukan," tulis Fraser di dalam suratnya kepada Kantor Wakil Menteri di Skotlandia.
Fraser mengatakan ia telah memperingatkan Kent mengenai keinginan untuk tak mengganggu hewan itu.
"... Tetapi apakah peringatan saya akan memiliki dampak yang diingini atau tidak tetap masih harus dilihat," tambahnya.